How you can have fun with man's best friend and get a workout in the process.
Here are five ways to turn your favorite four-legged friend into your new workout partner.
1. Walking
The most obvious way to exercise with your canine pal is to simply go for walks together. After all, it is recommended that all dogs go for walks every day, and doing so is a great way for you to get the 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise your doctor recommends. As if those perks weren't enough, the regularity of a daily walk helps develop a stronger relationship with your dog, helping your dog trust you and be more obedient.
2. Fetching
Many dogs love chasing after tennis balls, tree limbs, or whatever else you can find to throw. To get a workout that will benefit both of you, throw the object to be fetched and take off after it with your dog. You'll probably get beat most of the time, but the running back and forth and friendly competition will do you a world of good.
3. Swimming
It may be difficult to find a pool where your pool is welcome. So if you can't find a neighbor's pool where Fido is welcome to take a dip, head to a local lake, river, or ocean and get swimming! The movements work both you and your dog in ways that no other exercise does, leaving you exhausted and stronger. As you're in water during the exercise, you also get to stay cool in the process.
4. Dancing
A little bit less common than walking or swimming, dancing with your dog may seem a bit odd. All you have to do to dance with your dog is toss on your favorite CD or record and start moving. Allow your pooch to run around you as she wishes. Gradually, encourage your dog to sprint through your legs, jump after a certain move, and even stand on his or her back paws in a standing position on occasion. The constant motion will help both of you burn plenty of calories and will leave you in a pile on the floor, laughing and loving the kisses your new dance partner lavishes upon you.
5. Bicycling
Years ago, bicycling with man's best friend by your side was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, there are now contraptions that allow your pooch to be attached safely to your bicycle for a ride/run. With one of these devices, you won't fall over every time Fido decides to lunge after a squirrel or cat while running down the road. But you will be in great shape after a few months of riding alongside your exercise-loving doggie!
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