Or are kids the only ones who get to smile while getting fit?
Everybody wants to have fun. It's relaxing, stimulating, and downright well…fun! So what is it about exercise that seems to make adults stand up straight and pull out their serious faces? Shouldn't exercise be fun for you just like it is for your kids? Yes, it should. And yes, it can. Here's how.
Grab a Friend
While choosing a workout partner, look for someone whose goals are the same as yours. You don't want someone who is going to back out three weeks into your new exercise relationship. You should look for someone with a good sense of humor and a dedication to getting plenty of time in the gym every week. If possible, find someone who is used to working out more regularly than you. This way, you'll be challenged to get to the gym more often, knowing your workout partner will be there to cheer you on.
Pump up the Jams
Feel your work out drags on forever? Watch the clock in great anticipation of when your 30 minutes on the treadmill is over? Stop doing soundless exercises. Instead, go home and build a soundtrack for your workout routine. With MP3 players now available, you can carry an entire library of music in the palm of your hand, transforming your workout from dull and lifeless to something inspirational that also happens to have a great beat.
To make sure your routine goes as rockin' as planned, only put great songs on your MP3 - songs that have a driving beat and make you want to push yourself a little bit harder for a little bit longer. If you'd like to work your brain while working your body, you can download audio books or tune into a variety of podcasts on practically any topic you choose. Whether you want to catch up on politics, sports, comic books, or antiques, you can find a podcast with expert opinion to keep your mind moving at the speed of exercise.
Try Different Things
As a kid, everything you did was new and exciting: every tree you climbed, every game of hide-and-seek, every game of whiffleball. You were constantly trying out new ways to do old activities, adding mystery and learning to what would otherwise be a dull and unmemorable event. When you became an adult, the idea of trying new things became tedious. You stopped having time to learn new things, and as long as things worked as they are, you saw no reason to change.
But this “don't-fix-it-unless-it's-broken” attitude can damage your exercise routine. Instead of getting in a stagnant regiment without flexibility, actively seek out new exercises that could stretch your limits and your imagination. Doing this will bring new excitement to your exercise routine that you haven't had in years. Before you know it, you'll be anxious to hit the gym once again.
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