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Friday, April 29, 2011

Exercising in the A.M.

How getting up early gives you the advantage.

When the sun begins peaking over the horizon, you shouldn't be burying your head underneath a pillow, praying it will get dark and turn into night again. Instead, you should take advantage of the early hours to get in an hour of exercise. Why? Because the benefits far outweigh your desire to sleep in a bit.

Benefit #1: You'll Lose Weight

Exercising during any time of the day is proven to help you obtain and maintain a healthy weight. However, recent research hints that exercising in the morning gives your weight-loss goal an extra push. How's it do this? By improving your life a few ways all at once.
The first change is that working out during the first few hours of the day helps you sleep better, whereas working out in the evening can actually make it more difficult to sleep at night. Since healthy sleep habits assist your weight-loss goals, it only makes sense to want better sleep. Working out in the morning also helps your metabolism to get high early on in the day and stay there throughout your day. In addition, exercising early puts you in a healthy mindset from the moment you wake up, helping you make better decisions later in the day.

Benefit #2: You'll Stick with It

Another reason morning workouts benefit you is the ease with which you can stick with them. Whereas it can be difficult to find time during your busy day to squeeze in exercise, making exercise the first thing you do during the day ensures you get in some calorie-burning time no matter what the rest of the day may bring.
Think you may not have the strength to stick with an early morning exercise regimen? Remember that in addition to sleeping better, early exercising gives you increased energy and gets the blood pumping throughout your body. This helps you fire on all cylinders, whether you have a big meeting coming up or have to pull a double shift at the warehouse.

Benefit #3: You'll Get a Raise

As if an energy boost in the morning and increased metabolism weren't reason enough for working out in the morning, this early-morning fix-all may be just what your career needs. If you're skeptical, think about your attitude at work. Have you been down in the dumps? Too tired to go the extra mile?
Working out first thing in the morning may give you the boost you need to get past these issues. Once your boss recognizes your improved can-do attitude, your sudden willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty, and the infectious smile you carry everywhere you go, you may find yourself on the fast track to promotion. And to think-all of this just because you woke up a few minutes early for some running, weight lifting, bike riding, swimming, or calisthenics!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Perks of Pre-Pregnancy Workouts

Thinking of motherhood? You should hit the gym first.

So you think you want to settle down, eh? Time to have a family? Then you better be in good shape right now. Because while you know well the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, you may not be aware of the powerful perks of pre-pregnancy workouts.
When you think you're about ready to become a mother, remember to get fit first for these three reasons.

Easier Transition into Pregnancy Workouts

You know that exercising during pregnancy is great for you and the baby. But getting started in an exercise routine when you're pregnancy is no easy feat. To make it a little easier, you should go ahead and get in the habit of exercising right now, when you're not pregnant. That way, your body already craves exercise, and you become accustomed to going to the gym every day.
When baby begins to develop inside of you, your pre-pregnancy regimen will have already developed good habits in you. Now all you have to do is keep them up.

Easier Pregnancy

No, pregnancy is not an easy task by any means. It can be full of morning sickness, sleepless nights, and aches and pains. However, exercise can make pregnancy a little bit more tolerable. Thanks to your dedication to working out before getting pregnant, working out during your pregnancy is made a bit easier.
Not only does regular exercise help you sleep better, but it also improves your moods and helps you block out minor aches and pains that you may be dealing with on a daily basis. On top of that, exercising while pregnant helps your baby be as healthy as possible. But your willingness and desire to exercise throughout pregnancy is increased dramatically if you begin your workouts well before taking the pregnancy plunge.

Easier Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

After baby has arrived, the purpose of your exercise shifts immediately. You're on a mission to regain your pre-pregnancy shape, no matter what it takes. Fortunately, your pre-pregnancy exercise routine makes it a little easier to return to your former glory. Because not only did you work out before your pregnancy, but your dedication pushed you to exercise throughout your pregnancy. And now that same determination will have you back in the gym after having your child, as you work to shed those pregnancy pounds.
Is it possible to never step foot in a gym and begin exercising after you've given birth? Of course it is. That doesn't mean you should. With pre-pregnancy workouts, you can prepare yourself for the rigors of staying fit during and after pregnancy, while helping keep your skin nice and tight, whether you're about to be pregnant, are in the middle of your pregnancy, or gave birth last week.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Investigating Alkaline Water

Is it absolutely fabulous or a fraud?

Imagine being able to turn your bad health into optimal health, regain the energy of your youth, and feel better than you have in years - all by drinking a little bit of water. It may sound preposterous, but it's what advocates for alkaline water claim.
If you've ever been approached about some of this seemingly miraculous water, you may have wondered about the real truth behind this H2O. Well, here it is.

Reasoning behind Alkaline

According to alkaline water drinkers, you can't have good health unless you have enough alkaline in your body. Otherwise, you will have too much acid in your body, which can lead to all sorts of health maladies affecting virtually any and every part of your body. The most obvious symptoms of an overly acidic system include fatigue, aches and pains, and low energy.
In order to combat these potential issues, alkaline water lovers insist all you have to do is drink some of the water they have to offer. It comes in all sorts of containers and sizes and you can even buy drops to add to your normal water to turn it into alkaline-strong water. But wait - there's more!

Some More Potential Perks

As if overcoming and avoiding fatigue and low energy weren't enough to get you in the mood for some pain-reducing alkaline water, it seems there are even more reasons to go for this improved water. It is also thought to help your body better use and absorb nutrients from the foods you eat. This means you not only feel better from the water itself, but your body is better able to keep you going strong even when you're not sipping on alkaline.
Top this off with an improved ability to age slower than your friends, and alkaline water seems to be more miracle cure than common household drink. But it still seems a bit too good to be true, doesn't it? After all, if something as simple as alkaline water could make you live longer and feel better, everyone would know about it and would be drinking it nonstop. Right?

What the Science Says

At this time, there is no scientific study that backs up any claims made by the alkaline-drinking public. There is, however, a bit of evidence that bone loss can be slowed through drinking alkaline water, but that research has not been maintained long term, making it difficult to determine whether a lifetime of alkaline water means a lifetime of bone protection.
Instead of alkaline water, you will get plenty of what your body needs by drinking regular old water out of the tap. And if you feel the need to decrease your body's intake of acid, you can always do it through a more cost-effective manner: your grocer's fresh food aisle. A few foods to avoid if you want to reduce your body's acidity include citrus fruits, red meat, coffee, and sugar. To boost your alkaline levels at the same time, eat spinach, peas, tomatoes, avocadoes, and almonds. If nothing else, these dietary changes will help you consume less fat and will result in better health, regardless of your thoughts on alkaline.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cut The Calories In Your Drinks

And watch your waistline become the shape you always wanted.

For most people, calories are thought of in solid forms, via meat and potatoes, fruits and vegetables, and cake and ice cream. But if you're not careful, the liquids you drink each day can add hundreds of extra calories to your daily diet without you ever knowing it.
Which drinks should you be wary of during your daily grind?


One of the easiest ways to pile unwanted calories on is through soda of any sort. And while you may think that a diet soda is better for you (it does have fewer calories), many diet soda drinkers wind up drinking more soda as a result. Do yourself a favor by skipping soda and opting for water instead.

Fancy Coffees

Yes, they taste delicious and give your energy an instant boost, but that large café latte made with whole milk is also sending 265 calories directly to your belly. Chop the calories in half by downsizing your drink and making it a skinny, which is made with fat-free milk.

Sports Drinks

You work out pretty hard and are convinced that you need a sports drink to replenish everything your body loses as you exercise. Unfortunately, your conviction is nothing more than a response to good advertising. Unless you're exercising hard and heavy for 90 minutes or more, your sports drink is leaving you with many more calories than you burned during your routine. Keep your body hydrated the old-fashioned way: with water.

Sweet Tea

Though you may consider it the healthy alterative to soda, sweet tea packs nearly 200 calories in a meager 16-ounce bottle. Unless you're a professional body builder and have an extra thousand calories to use up every day, drinking sweet tea chops out a big portion of your daily calorie allotment without giving you much benefit.


Quite possibly the healthiest drink known to man, smoothies are both delicious and nutritious. However, if you work at a desk all day and don't take time to get to the gym, a smoothie a day may actually bring extra pounds your way. That's because while they are very healthy, they have hundreds of calories. Eat a daily smoothie each morning in addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you can easily suffer from calorie overload.


Whether you prefer lager or pina coladas, all things alcohol come with a calorie count that can easily be overlooked. To keep these calories to a minimum, watch the amount of alcohol you consume. Also, choose light beer, a small margarita, and the proper amount of wine instead of the excessive amount provided at many restaurants.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

The basics of an often misunderstood and frequently feared condition.

While bipolar disorder is often laughed about, it is no joking matter. It is also nothing to be feared. Rather, it is a condition that - if ignored, misdiagnosed, or mistreated - can have a tremendous impact on an individual's quality of life. Before you shy away from discussing the disorder or make a wisecrack at bipolar's expense, read on to find out the truth concerning this difficult to understand condition.

What is bipolar disorder?

Also called manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder is a condition that takes root in the brain. Individuals with the condition suffer from incredible, immediate changes in mood, energy level, and ability to carry out ordinary functions of daily life.

Is it dangerous?

When someone is dealing with the constant ups and downs that accompany bipolar disorder, the result can be disastrous. From difficulty maintaining meaningful relationships to sudden outbursts at work or school, bipolar disorder can cause them all. Due to the sudden, powerful depressive bouts, people with bipolar disorder are also more likely to attempt suicide.

Who is at risk?

Everyone is at risk for suffering from bipolar disorder. While it is unclear what causes bipolar disorder to develop, researchers have determined that people with a family history of the condition are at increased risk for the disorder themselves. It typically begins to become symptomatic in the late teen years or early adulthood, but can develop and manifest in childhood.

What are the symptoms?

As mentioned previously, bipolar disorder results in sudden, dramatic mood swings, energy levels, and ability and willingness to function. Other symptoms of a manic episode include poor judgment, spending sprees, drug abuse, extreme irritability, increased energy, and feelings of restlessness. During a depressive bout, symptoms include feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, or guilt; decreased energy; disruption of sleep patterns; and suicidal thoughts or attempts. To be deemed a depressive or manic episode, an individual must experience multiple symptoms for prolonged periods.

How is it treated?

Currently, bipolar disorder is typically treated with a combination of medication and psychosocial treatments (often psychotherapy). For success, the treatment must be taken seriously and followed rigorously throughout life. Even with these treatments in place, it is not uncommon for bipolar episodes to occur. When this happens, people with bipolar disorder are encouraged to contact their physicians to tweak their treatment plans to prevent the episode from worsening.

What should be done during a bipolar event?

If you suspect someone is suffering a bipolar event, most important is to protect the individual suffering the event. Don't let him or her drive or operate heavy machinery and stay with the person until the episode passes. In the event the bipolar individual is threatening to commit suicide, immediately call 911 or an appropriate physician, and again - never leave him or her alone.

How constant an impact does bipolar disorder have?

Fortunately, while bipolar episodes will likely recur time and again during an individual's life, most people with bipolar disorder can lead normal, healthy lives between the episodes. However, some people suffer from residual symptoms of bipolar disorder and others suffer regular episodes, regardless of whether they're undergoing treatment or not.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Few of The Fattiest Foods

You may love these foods, but they're no good when it comes to your good looks and good health.

Need to hit the store or a restaurant to pick up something to eat? There are some things you'd be better off avoiding. What makes these foods even worse is that the fat found isn't just your everyday, run-of-the-mill fat. Much of it is trans-fat. These do much more than add unwanted weight to your arms, legs, and middle. Trans-fats are a highly dangerous fat that turns into cholesterol once in your body. In other words, these fats increase your weight and instantly increase your likelihood for suffering heart disease and stroke.
Here is where to watch for fat in the course of your dietary day.


Overflowing with 659 calories and 45 grams of fat, the Bob Evans Country Biscuit Breakfast may be the worst way to start your day. While it may taste good going down, the long-term effects of eating such an unhealthy breakfast counteract any happiness the flavor may provide. And if you're drinking soda with your breakfast, it's time to stop. There is no nutritional benefit to drinking soda, and when matched with the Bob Evans Country Biscuit Breakfast, you're setting your body up for a short and diseased existence.


If you're heading out for lunch, you may want to steer clear of the Wild Buffalo Chicken Strip Basket at Dairy Queen. While you may expect chicken to be relatively healthy, these fried up goodies pack an 870-calorie, 96-gram punch. In the event you choose to take a drive to pick up some fries from another establishment, stay away from Jack in the Box's large order of Natural Cut Fries. Dipped in grease and fried to fattening perfection, they come with 300 calories and 33 grams of fat.


Between meals, you need something to keep your energy level on high. What you don't need is excessive fat. So stay away from Nacho Cheese Doritos. If you think there is nothing dangerous about those little chips, you may be surprised to learn that a single ounce (approximately 11 chips) has 8 grams of fat. Since you probably never eat a mere 11 Nacho Cheese Doritos, you're probably getting a lot more fat than you think. Oh yeah - there are also 140 calories in that tiny bag, another reason to steer clear of the chips.


It may not be the fattiest dinner dish available, but the 12-inch Blimpie Veggie Supreme is listed here because of the cunning nature of the item. The Veggie Supreme sounds like a perfectly healthy option for you and your family. However, with 1,106 calories and 56 grams of fat, this sandwich is not nearly as healthy as its name implies. If you're hungry for a hoagie loaded with all kinds of goodness, you can easily cut the fat grams in half or more by making it yourself at home.


If there's one food item to avoid purchasing, Baskin Robbins' large chocolate Oreo shake is it. Containing an amazing 2,600 calories (yes - that's more than you should eat in an entire day), 139 grams of fat, and 1,700 milligrams of sodium, this seemingly innocent after-dinner delight is one of the most dangerous additions to your diet. While it may look beautiful and taste fantastic, eating a large chocolate Oreo shake cannot be excused by anyone with a desire to live healthily

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kissing (or Kicking) Unwanted Pounds Goodbye

Got some extra pounds hanging around? With the right steps, you can get rid of them and get on with a thinner, fitter life.

Pounds, pounds, go away, come again another day! If only losing weight were as easy as singing this simple rhyme over and over. Though shedding unwanted pounds is a good deal harder than that, you can do it. Do the following four action items and you'll get rid of those unwanted and unsightly pounds faster than you can say fad diet.

Don't Binge

You've had a rough day and the only thing that could possibly help you feel better is a tub of ice cream. Or so you think. In actuality, gorging yourself on super double chocolate chip ice cream isn't going to do you any good right now or in the future. If you want to get rid of weight, you're going to have to learn self-control. When you're by yourself and feel hungry for something unhealthy, find something else to do. Pick up a good book, call a friend, or drink a glass of water. If you're especially intent on losing weight (which you must be if you're reading this article), follow the next tip.

Be Exercise Minded

In the comfort of your own home, it's easy to eat whatever you want whenever you want. Learn to identify what causes you to want to eat unhealthy foods or unhealthy amounts of food. Then, begin to modify your behavior when you come face to face with the trigger. If coming home from work is usually followed by an hour on the couch, bonbons in hand, redesign your post-work routine around exercise. When you first get home, don't hit the couch. Hit the closet for a change of clothes, and then get to the gym or go for a walk around the neighborhood. Changing your mindset takes time and dedication, but putting exercise first on your to-do list is vital to taking off excess pounds.

Deny the Treats

Many dieters feel they're obliged to a cake or cookie now and then to celebrate their small victories. Unfortunately, this good idea can often become a trap, as the treats become more and more common. Just remember that every time you're offered a special treat, you have the option of accepting or denying the offer. Force yourself to say "No" 10 times more often than you say "Yes," and the special treat will actually be a special treat instead of an everyday necessity. By doing this, you'll also watch your weight slowly and steadily decrease.

Sweat It Off

For the best chance at losing weight, you're going to have to sweat. While a quick set of push-ups during lunch break will help your body a little bit, you're not going to get the results you seek without making yourself sweat. No matter if you choose to walk or run for miles on end, participate in a local spin class, join a kickboxing class, or work out with free weights or elliptical machines, you need to sweat. If your workout leaves you dry, you're not pushing yourself hard enough to lose weight. Increase your workout intensity and prepare to become the thinner, healthier you that you've always wanted to be.

Monday, April 4, 2011

You Have a Right to Say NO !!!!

Even though it's hard to say it to a friend, "No" doesn't mean the end of your friendship.

If one is the loneliest number, "No" is the loneliest word. However, if you're going to exist on planet Earth, you've got to learn how to use this tiny word - even when the person asking the question is your friend. Here's how to get a better handle on "No."

Nip it in the bud.

Good ol' Barney Fife was onto something when he coined this classic phrase. Giving an immediate "No," when you know the answer is "No" is the best way to go about giving a negative response. You're nipping the question in the bud. Promising that you may be able to catch a movie or have time to play softball after work - when you know you can't - only makes the "No" seem that much worse. So as soon as you know your answer will be "No," let it out!

Reserve it for rare, special occasions.

If you're truly someone's friend, this one should be a no-brainer. You enjoy spending time with your friends and helping them out. Therefore, it only makes sense that your "No" won't be the most common phrase you tell your friends. In the event you do find yourself saying "No" to more invitations than you say "Yes," it may be time to reevaluate your friendship. Is it really one that is going to last, or has it already passed its course? Maybe it should be an "I'll-call-you-when-I'm ready-to-hang-out" relationship.

Don't leave it at one word.

Alone, the word "No" can come off as hurtful in any situation. When telling your friend "No," give an explanation along with it. This allows your friend to know you have a valid reason for not changing his oil, paying his rent, or washing his dog. In essence, it keeps your friend from feeling shunned for no reason. Everyone says they hate excuses, but if your "No" has a good one, it's better to share it than to keep it to yourself.

Set out an open and honest relationship from day one.

The best friendships are the ones that don't crumble under the weight of a "No." Make it clear when you start a friendship that you appreciate honest answers and will do your best to give honest answers as well. With that understanding, you'll be more capable of telling your best of friends you can't go to the club all night. And when you say, "No," you won't even feel guilty.

Allow your friend to return the favor.

"No" is a two-edged sword. If you don't allow your friend to tell you "No" without consequences, you'll possibly cut your relationship's throat. Always allow your friend the ability to back out of book club - even if it's a last-minute cancellation. You would want the same freedom or you wouldn't be reading this article.

Give yourself a break

More than likely, your friend doesn't think "No" is as big a deal as you're making it out to be. She's spontaneous enough to drive cross-country in a moment's notice, and she probably doesn't expect you to be so flexible. Just thought she'd ask if you wanted to come along for the ride. Once you realize your friend was heading out with or without you, you'll feel a lot better about the two-letter word you answered with.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting That Stress Under Control

Wake up, take the kids to school, go to work, head home, make dinner, clean the house, go to bed.

On paper, your life seems boring, dull, and routine. But you know that's not true. Before heading out the door in the morning, you've got to get your kids' clothes on right side out. Then, you have to pick up your suit at the dry cleaners across town. Finally, when you're ready to rest and relax with the family at the dinner table, dinner comes out of the oven burned, and the kids just won't settle down when it's time to go to bed.
You're living the American dream, and it's a stress fest. Here's what you can do to find some calm in the midst of the stress storm.


When you're stressed out, it's often difficult to fall and stay asleep. Having regular sleep and wake times before stress strikes make it a little easier to get the Zzzs you need when stress comes creeping around your bedpost.


In the days and months when stress after stress piles up, it often seems you just don't have enough time to deal with any of the stressors. By writing down how you'll tackle each stress-inducing issue, you'll feel more in control and able to handle all of the stressors you're dealing with, one at a time. Before you know it, your "stress" list will be eliminated.


It may seem self-evident when you're trying to learn how to beat stress, but remembering to forget is often a forgotten aspect of reducing stress. In the event you find yourself unable to beat stress with all the other stress-reducing techniques, take a little time to sit back and take a deep breath. That breath not enough? Head to the beach or the mountains, and leave your cell phone at the office.


Though exercise is only one of the effective stress reducer available, it is the only one that reduces tension, while toning up your physique. If you want to keep stress at bay (and not just fight off the sudden stress attacks you may experiencing), make regular exercise a part of your routine.
When you don’t deal with stress properly, you may neglect important relationships, lash out at people without reason, or have difficulty performing up to par at work. So, if you think letting stress bother you is no big deal, think again.


Stress is often difficult to handle. Because of this, it's common for the sufferer to keep it inside and feel isolated as a result. However, many people have found solace in talking with others about what is bothering them. Whether relying on a support group, trusted family member or friend, or priest or pastor, communication is an often used key to stress relief.


Many people are happy to learn that sex can be a great way to find stress relief. It burns calories, creates hormones that result in good feelings, and strengthens monogamous relationships. As strong relationships also reduce stress, sex offers twice the stress reduction of other techniques.